I thought it would only be fair to provide an update to the many great people who have followed my radio career over the years. It amazes me that I still get emails everyday from people who listened to my show on Energy and I still hear from folks who tuned me in on the Mix in Toronto and Z95 in Vancouver. Thanks so much for caring. Thanks for asking me when I'll return to the airwaves and thanks for always being there when I cracked that microphone as we shared a laugh or two. I'll be back soon and when it happens you'll be the first to know.
I consider myself pretty lucky. I've been doing radio for 19 years minus the last 4 months since I was fired from Energy. I've worked with some amazing people and have been blessed to do what I've always wanted to do since I was a kid. Radio is my passion and it will always be my passion. No one, especially not some big company is going to take that away from me. I may have been silenced for a while but that's the nature of the business. I hope to be back sometime in 2010. Again, I am looking for the RIGHT job. I'm not going to work for anyone who doesn't really want me. I'm not going to work any shift just so my voice is heard or live in a city I don't want to be in.
Many have asked when I would give my side of the story as to what happened at Energy. I am not going to bash anyone or criticize my last employer. Radio has given me all I've been blessed with. Radio is my passion but it's not my life. It should never mess with your health or define who you are. Funny, my gf and many friends have noticed I look happier these days. That's because I am very happy. I got into this business because radio to me was a hobby, not a job. But when it becomes a job, then you know it's time to move on. Truthfully, leaving Energy wasn't my decision. I still don't know what happened but at this point, I don't even care. What I do know is I continue to be friends with almost everyone in that building. That's because it wasn't personal. It was business. That's all I'll say about that. The search for a gig continues!

I've always played poker since I was a kid. I'll probably go to hell for writing this but we used to play in the chapel at LBP High School in Mtl North during recess and lunchhour. On weekends, we always played in different friends' basements. I continued to play during university but then when I moved away from Montreal it faded from my life. I didn't play again until the poker craze of the mid 00's. Today, poker has become one of the biggest games on the planet. Type "poker" in your pvr search on any given day. See what comes up!
You may have seen some of my facebook updates in the last few months. I've been taking poker very seriously and it's been more than a part time job. It's been a full time job since losing my radio gig. I couldn't concentrate on playing when I had a morning show so I played mostly weekends. This changed immediately after I was unemployed. I started to play everyday, playing big tournaments both live and on-line and it's been an amazing 4 month ride.
Last month I finished 27th in the B.C Poker Championships out of a field of 700 players in the main event. It was my biggest live cash yet. It was the toughest field I ever faced with pros from around the world. (Brad Booth, Gavin Smith, Greg Mueller, Quinn Do, Liz Lieu) to name a few. I lasted 4 straight days before being eliminated on day 4 of the event. By far, these were the best players I've ever faced and biggest tournaments I've ever played. I can't wait for 2010. I haven't decided which tournaments I'm going to attend yet but here's a few: Niagara Fallsview, Edmonton CPT, WPT L.A and CPT LAS Vegas. All are on my radar. I'll keep the updates coming. By the way, I don't ever recommend quitting your job to play poker professionally. It's a very tough game with lots of fantastic players. Who knows what will become of me and poker? I know one thing, it's not replacing radio as a career. Unless of course I win real big. REAL BIG! Then I'll buy a radio station or apply for a license. How about that kid with the pirate radio station in Ottawa? I love that story.

I'm heading to Montreal for Christmas again this year. Since moving away I haven't missed a Christmas yet except for one year back in 1997. This will be the third Christmas without my dad. He passed away a few days before I learned I was hired on to host my first morning show in CALGARY. I miss him a lot. What would he have said about being fired? What would he have said about the poker career? He was never convinced I'd "make it" in radio but after almost two decades in the biz, he never doubted my success in it. Poker? Different story. He didn't like me playing. But then again, he did like when I told him about my winnings. Of course poker players never discuss their losses. But these days, are good days..and I'm sure he would have supported me after a little convincing.
This year, when you get together with your parents for the holidays make sure you tell them you love them! They won't be around forever. I can't wait to see my mom and sister, my nieces and I'm superexcited Stef is coming this year. It's going to be a blast!
To all of you, I wish you nothing but the best in 2010. If you lost your job this year, you're not alone! Remember, this is your time to do something you've always wanted to do so make it happen. Who knows what the New Year will bring? Some friendly advice? Stop wasting time and do what you've always wanted to do. We're here for a good time! Not a long time!
Freeway Frank
aspiring poker pro/radio personality and lover of life.
Freeway, come back to Toronto radio, that way you can bash the Leafs in their own backyard! hahaha I wish you nothing but the best in 2010! I will never forget you playing my request on Mix 99.9! xoxoxoxox
Thanks for updating! I'm glad 2010 is looking up. Energy 101.5 is not the same now, but if that pushed you to do what you always wanted, then I guess it was worth it.
Best of luck!!
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